Do you desire to grow professionally and spiritually while making an impact in the context of global missions?

The EMI Fellowship is a 2-3 year early-career development programme for design professionals. Our goal is to raise up the next generation of Christian design professionals to be professionally competent and spiritually mature that they may be influencers in the Church and in the design profession worldwide.

Express your interest online for Fellowship at EMI today!

"I didn’t realize I was praying for an EMI Fellowship until it materialized."
—Rachel Su, Civil Engineering Fellow, EMI Canada


What will the Fellowship look like?

The Fellowship is 2-3 years in total. Fellows will typically spend their initial 18-24 months in one EMI office followed by 4-12 months in one of our other worldwide locations.

Key Professional Elements — growing as a design professional

  • Service as full-time staff with EMI
  • Participation in EMI projects through design, management, and leadership
  • Significant professional experience and training to advance towards professional goals, as guided by a professional mentor

Key Spiritual Elements — growing as a follower of Jesus

  • Biblical, theological, and missions training
  • Spiritual formation / spiritual discipleship
  • Long-term mentor relationships

EMI Fellowships are planned and administered on the basis of a fellow’s country of residence. For more on what an EMI Fellowship might look like for you, visit the corresponding mobilising team’s page:

All are welcome to apply. If no EMI office exists or facilitates Fellowships in your country of residence, fellows will be mobilised by EMI offices as best determined on a case-by-case basis. To learn more about what a fellow’s experience may look like, you are invited to visit the other country-specific pages.

Express your interest online