Mid June
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EMI is honored to partner with Comeca Camp and Retreat Center in Cozad, NE to develop a master plan for their current site in hopes of expanding their outreach to more of God's children. Comeca Camp and Retreat Center is committed to providing an excellent atmosphere for their guests to experience Christ by offering a wide range of activities that are designed to nurture spiritual growth, encourage personal development, and foster community building.

Project Scope

Given their desire to create an environment that draws their guests into a closer relationship with Christ, Comeca Camp and Retreat Center has asked EMI to assist them with the development of a long-term master plan of their existing site. The EMI team will assess their aging facilities and water and wastewater infrastructure. In addition, the team will provide conceptual architectural design of a new dining and meeting room facilities and provide recommendations for the growth of water and wastewater infrastructure to support the master plan. 

Would you prayerfully consider joining us as we seek to see more lives transformed in and around the state of Nebraska?


— April Heredia, EMI USA trip leader


Architecture: Planning, Landscape, Gen. Arch.

Landscape Architect, Senior, and Mid-Level Architects

Civil Engineering: Potable Water, Wastewater, Civil Engineering

Senior and Junior Civil Engineers

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Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.